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The Argentinian mate. The yerba Union is produced at Las Marias, a company with long yerba mate tradition in Argentina. It is the only company in the world which produces big amounts of yerba mate.
With all characteristics of the authentic yerba mate with stems. Union offers a subtle and long-lasting and of equal taste from the first to the last mate.

1) fill 2/3 of the mate gourd ( calabash- traditional yerba mate cup ) with yerba mate
2) till the gourd until the tea covers the side and almost reaches the top
3) pour a splash of warm water on the leaves , wait for few sec and remove the water
4) put a straw ( traditionally called bombilla ) into a gourd and fill up the gourd with 80 C of hot
water ( you can re-brew a gourd up to 4-5 times )
Enjoy your drink

1) fill the 200 ml cup with yerba mate ( 3-4g )
2) pour 80 C of hot water
3) wait about 3 min , remove the leaves and enjoy your drink

For the best result you can use the tea strainer for small mate leaves

UNION Suave 1 kg