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The Argentinian mate,  Campo Sur comes from the southernmost cultivation areas on the planet. Its origin gives it a definitely smooth profile, without losing the complexity of the field herbs.

1) fill 2/3 of the mate gourd ( calabash- traditional yerba mate cup ) with yerba mate
2) till the gourd until the tea covers the side and almost reaches the top
3) pour a splash of warm water on the leaves , wait for few sec and remove the water
4) put a straw ( traditionally called bombilla ) into a gourd and fill up the gourd with 80 C of hot
water ( you can re-brew a gourd up to 4-5 times )
Enjoy your drink

1) fill the 200 ml cup with yerba mate ( 3-4g )
2) pour 80 C of hot water
3) wait about 3 min , remove the leaves and enjoy your drink

For the best result you can use the tea strainer for small mate leaves

La Merced CAMPO SUR 500g